Our goals

Il Cenacolo is an organization arisen from the need to promote and defend the human being in all of its manifestations. Since its foundation, our NGO has always been active in the international scene to fight against any type of dictatorial and unconstitutional regime. We do believe in a world where there is no room for violence.

Il Cenacolo promotes research, courses, activities, conferences and publications in various areas of learning. The goal is to enrich contemporary culture.

Our NGO is committed to achieving the objectives set by the UN Agenda for 2030: growth, employment, equality, environment.

In this phase of activity aimed at 2030, this organization, as it has always done, will partecipate in all the sessions of the International Council of Human Rights in Geneva, as well as in New York in the 4th Political Commission on the former colonies, and in workshop for the promotion and verification of the advancement of women.

Il Cenacolo will partecipate in the activities of INSTRAW, which is based in Santo Domingo and deals with the research and training for the progress of women.